Fanzine Festival,
March 2014
The first fanzine for Re-Feel Magazine and Art was created for “the Fun Fun Festival” hosted on March 27,2014. The fanzine follows Re-Feel’s manifesto by creating only 50, hand made, unique non-identical copies.
The ’50 Love letters’ consists of 7 texts which represent unwanted, yet irresistible, love stories. The images, which were taken from my private archive, composes the love story as an ideal.
1. Three texts were copied from emails exchanged between Armin Meiwes (the cannibal) and Bernd Brandes (the autophag). They are known for being the persons involved with the eating of Brandes.
They met each other online and afterwards in person, in order to fulfill each of their dreams. Meiwes ate 20kg from Brandes before calling the cops.
2. Two texts were taken from the song ‘Code blue’ (T.S.O.L, 1981). The song is known for being the confession of a necrophiliac.
3. One text is from the song ‘Rent’ (Pet Shop Boys, 1987). The chorus, “I love you, you pay my rent” is the moment of awareness of an exploited and exploiter at the same time, thus reminding the basic core of relationship: a business.
4. One text is a personal memory from a past exchange in which the image reduces the object to a pretty fruit bowl.
All the letters carry an advice to whom it should be passed. All visitors received this explanation.